A must-see when buying an electric tricycle

by:Mainbon     2022-02-09
At present, there are many brands of electric bicycles. Consumers should choose a brand with a long operating time, low repair rate, good quality and credibility. For example, choose a company that has passed the ISO9001-2000 certification of the quality management system. The strength requirements and performance requirements of electric bicycle parts should be higher than those of bicycles. When purchasing, the user should check the quality of the parts selected for the whole vehicle, such as: whether the welding and surface of the frame and the front fork are defective, whether all the parts are manufactured in good quality, whether the double supports are strong, whether the tires are brand-named, and whether the fasteners are of good quality. Whether it is rust-proof, etc. A set of new batteries with a capacity of 36V/12Ah generally has a continuation mileage of about 50 kilometers. Generally, the longest distance for daily riding is about 35 kilometers (due to the actual continuation mileage affected by road conditions). If the longest distance is more than 50 kilometers, it is necessary to consider whether there is a possibility of charging twice in a day. If there is no such possibility, it is not suitable to buy electric bicycles. Electric bicycles can generally be divided into four types: luxury type, ordinary type, front and rear shock absorber type, and lightweight type. The luxury type has complete functions, but the price is high, the ordinary type is simple in structure, economical and practical; the lightweight type is light and flexible, but has a short stroke. Consumers should pay attention to this when purchasing. Since the components of tricycle.html' target='_blank'>electric tricycles are not yet universal and maintenance cannot be socialized, you must pay attention to whether there is a special maintenance service department in the local area when purchasing electric bicycles. 
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