How many employees in Mainbon?
Mainbon Group Company Limited. has had more professionals to provide better services to customers. Now our staff includes skilled engineers, professional sales team and thoughtful after-sales team, who have accumulated many years of experience in the field of top 10 electric bicycles . They are the soul of our various departments like R&D department, design department, production and sales department.

Mainbon ​​is China's most famous children's power scooter brand. The motorized trike parts series is one of the main products of Mainbon. Mainbon best electric tricycle bike will go through a thorough quality inspection. Its appearance will be checked to make sure no scratches, stains, cracks, leakage, and any or all flaws exist. The quality of the product is greatly assured by our strict quality management system.

We are committed to building a positive corporate culture. We encourage employees to think outside the box to communicate and share their creativity or ideas on improving the products or customer service. Hence we can utilize their creativity drives business success.
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