How many people in Mainbon R&D department?
The number of employees in Mainbon Group Company Limited. R&D department accounts for at least 20% of the total. R&D differs from the vast majority of corporate activities in that it is not intended to yield immediate profit and generally carries greater risk and an uncertain return on investment. This is a kind of secret info to us. We have spent years developing new services or products, and improving existing services or products.

Mainbon ranked first in China's children's power scooter industry. The electric tricycle bike series is one of the main products of Mainbon. The cutting process is one of the important steps in manufacturing Mainbon tricycle bike parts. This process is focused on two things: the aesthetics and the reduction of wastage. This product features a strong structure. Constructed with materials that have remarkable mechanical properties, it can be used in rigorous conditions.

Our commitment is to identify the best solution for customers' projects, enabling them to become the first choice of their customers'.
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