How to buy and use electric tricycles correctly?

by:Mainbon     2021-06-20
Small electric tricycles can cause accidents. According to the traffic control department announced yesterday, this year, our city has had 66 traffic accidents involving electric bicycles, 2 people were killed and 79 people were injured. On average, every accident will hurt people. Traffic accidents related to electric bicycles have accounted for 16% of the city's road traffic accidents (411) this year. Where are the hidden dangers when electric tricycles are on the road? Riding an electric tricycle on the road, the biggest hidden danger currently facing is that accidents are not guaranteed. The traffic police emphasized that the city has not yet licensed electric tricycles and should be managed as non-motorized vehicles. They can only be driven on non-motorized lanes. However, the vast majority of citizens in our city now ride in excess of speed, weight, power, Extra-standard electric bicycles with pedals. Many people ride it on motorized lanes and do not follow the traffic lights. This ignoring the traffic regulations will lead to traffic accidents, and the cyclist will inevitably bear the responsibility. How to avoid minefields when buying and using electric tricycles? For one, don't buy a motorcycle as an electric tricycle. The traffic police reminded that motorcycles use fuel as their power and require licenses and permits before they can drive on the road. Second, don't drive an electric tricycle as a motor vehicle. No matter how fast an electric tricycle can be driven, it cannot be driven on a motorway. If the electric tricycle turns around, turns or speeds at will on the road, causing an accident, the cyclist must take responsibility. Third, it is best to buy insurance when buying a car. On March 5 this year, Wuhan Electric Tricycle Industry Association and 13 major brands of electric tricycle agents signed an agreement with the Wuhan Branch of the People's Insurance Company of China to launch a pilot commercial insurance for electric tricycles in Wuhan for the first time. The licensing standard for electric tricycles is difficult to determine. Since the 'Hubei Province Implementation Measures' was officially implemented on October 1, 2008, discussions on licensing of electric tricycles have been ongoing in our city. Yesterday, the traffic control department was cautious about the licensing of electric tricycles. The reason is that the licensing of electric tricycles involves many departments such as industry and commerce, quality supervision, and traffic control, and the establishment of licensing standards has not yet come up with a unified opinion. According to the reporter’s understanding, there are currently disagreements on the licensing standards for electric tricycles: one opinion puts forward that in strict accordance with national standards, electric bicycles exceeding the standard shall not be licensed, which is so convenient for management; another opinion is that the use of electric tricycles in our city is increasing Most of them exceed the standard. If one size fits all, I am afraid that the public will have greater opinions and it will be difficult to implement the license. Xu Ruize, president of Wuhan Electric Tricycle Industry Association, believes that the licensing standards will directly determine the rise and fall of Wuhan's electric tricycle industry, and hopes that the city can introduce electric tricycle management measures that are in line with the actual situation and long-term development.
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