Important factors for electric tricycle battery charging

by:Mainbon     2021-07-03
As the discharge becomes deeper and shallower, the number of cycles will increase substantially. Therefore, according to this theory, frequent charging is beneficial to the cycle life. However, due to the influence of price factors and technical levels, a large number of chargers on the market have defects such as high failure rate, poor reliability, and low accuracy. Sometimes. Frequent charging will affect the life of the battery. It usually takes 1-2 months or even longer for the battery to be used from the factory. During the storage period, the battery consumes part of the power due to spontaneous reactions such as self-discharge inside the battery and cannot reach the rated capacity value, so before the first use , It’s best to recharge, so as to prevent customers from mistakenly thinking that the capacity is insufficient. First of all, the battery should be fully charged and stored, and should be charged at least once within a month to prevent loss of power, which can effectively prevent irreversible salinization and short-circuit of crystal branches caused by crystal technology. Lead-acid batteries are different from other secondary batteries in that they have no memory effect, so no matter what state of charge the battery is in, it can be charged directly without discharging. When the battery is discharged and recharged, although the number of recharges is reduced, there will always be differences between the single cells during discharge, which may cause some cells to be over-discharged, and the charge acceptance will be greatly reduced, resulting in insufficient charging. Charging, the charger has a long time under heavy load, and the charger is easy to damage. Based on the above, it is most reasonable to charge when the battery discharges 50-70%. Generally speaking, undercharging means that when the battery is not fully charged or fully charged, it will gradually form a kind of thick and hard lead sulfate, which is almost insoluble, that is, 'irreversible sulfation, So the capacity will decay quickly one after another. Overcharge means that the charging current of the battery is greater than the acceptable current of the battery. Overcharge is mainly a side reaction of electrolyzed water. Because the positive electrode of the battery transfers oxygen to the negative electrode, the oxygen recombination reaction occurs, and heat is generated. Therefore, the amount of overcharge is actually converted into heat to make the battery temperature Elevated, without control, will cause a lot of water loss, and in severe cases, deformation and other failures will occur.
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