The rapid development of electric vehicles

by:Mainbon     2021-06-01
Electric vehicles have opened up a brand new era. Personal transportation will undergo systemic changes. This objectively requires a new commercial role to undertake the full battery service and the social functions of battery responsibility. This role is to charge and replace. Electric operators, it is the new protagonist in the era of electric vehicles. Although the development of electric vehicles in my country has received great attention from governments at all levels and invested a large amount of financial funds, it has also achieved a series of research and development results. The Catalog of Recommended Models for Demonstration, Promotion and Application Projects, but the actual sales and demonstration operation of vehicles are very few. According to the 'Automotive Industry Revitalization Plan' issued by the State Council in early 2009, the number of electric vehicles in my country should reach 500,000 by 2011. And accounted for 5% of passenger car sales. However, only 7,181 vehicles were put into operation in 2010, and less than 10,000 vehicles in 2011, and a considerable part of them were put into storage with a single shot, which is far from the goal of the national plan. The core of the complete electric tricycle technology is not in the vehicle or the battery, but in the use of the battery. Through battery full service and operation, all the problems that plague the commercialization of electric vehicles can be solved: 1. The price of naked cars is equivalent to that of fuel vehicles, so that ordinary users can afford them. 2. The battery replacement can be completed within 5 minutes, and the speed is no different from that of a fuel car. 3. Through the manual maintenance of the battery, the battery life reaches more than a thousand times, and the total cost of using electricity is 30% lower than fuel. 4. Equipped with low-cost and small-sized charging and swapping stations, with a network layout like a convenience store, making battery swapping more convenient than refueling. In this way, there are no technical obstacles to the commercialization of electric vehicles. Therefore, the development of electric vehicles does not need to be a show-style demonstration operation, but commercialization pilots that do not rely on government subsidies. This is the real commanding height. Whoever takes the first step in this step will become the leader of electric vehicles.
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