The total price of the FOB is the summation of product value and other fees including domestic transportation cost (from the warehouse to the terminal), shipping charges, and expected loss. Under this incoterm, we will deliver the goods to customers at the port of loading within the agreed period and the risk is transferred between us and customers during the delivery. In addition, we will bear the risks of damage or loss of the goods until we deliver them to your hands. We also take care of the export formalities. FOB can be used only in case of transportation by sea or inland waterways from port to port.
Mainbon Group Company Limited. provides custom service of
electric tricycle bearing to meet the various needs of customers. Mainbon focuses on providing a variety of power lock for customers. Extensive product checks are carried out on Mainbon centric brake parts. The test criteria in many cases such as flammability test and colorfastness test go far beyond applicable national and international standards. It is perfect for city streets or neighborhood bike paths. The product is highly acclaimed for its unbeatable quality and strong practicality. Its wheels have been optimized to ensure the desired traction.
We have established four key areas at the center of sustainability through our efforts: Employees, Production, Products and Social and Economic Commitment.